Biennial Assessment and Overview of Climate Finance Flows - 2014

2014 BA summary and recommendations

2014 BA technical report

Note of clarification

Technical Work

Technical meetings of key stakeholders formed an integral part of the preparation process of the first biennial assessment and overview of climate finance flows. These meetings were organised in conjunction with Standing Committee on Finance meetings and focused on a specific set of topics.

The first technical meeting was held on 6 March, 2014. This meeting examined issues relating to comparability of climate finance definitions and methodologies for measuring, reporting, and verifying different types of financial flows. It also addressed needs for data on current climate finance flows.
List of Participants

The second technical meeting was held on18 June, 2014. This mini-workshop focused on assessment of climate finance flows. Participants also exchanged views on data needs in the future, and ways to improve data availability, quality and coverage.
List of Participants

Side events aimed at enhancing transparency and inclusiveness

Side event at COP 20

During COP 20, a side event on the first biennial assessment and overview of climate finance flows of the Standing Committee on Finance took take place on 3 December 2014.


Side event at SBs40

During the fortieth session of the Subsidiary Bodies, the Standing Committee on Finance organised a side event entitled "Biennial assessment and overview of financial flows - update of the work of the Standing Committee on Finance and inputs from collaborating institutions". This event gave the opportunity to the Standing Committee on Finance to both provide an update on the progress made for the preparation of the first BA, and to further engage with Parties and all relevant stakeholders on ways to advance the work.





A press conference on the first biennial assessment and overview of climate finance flows was held on Wednesday 11:30-12:00 (Lima time) in Press Room 1.

Please click here to watch the broadcast of the press conference.







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